If the rules were more clear
If the rules were more clear Apr 06

If the rules were more clear

days hours remaining

The others I think are fine because it stands today. Though if memorial posts become more common, a separate subreddit? I believe that it's called may be a wonderful idea.

"Spoiler" tag requirements often seem to turn into criticizing/piling on users who time traveling about how they are playing the game"incorrect," that to me is counter to the spirit of this community and this particular game.

One difficulty I've had with rules is I had a pole auto-removed, I still don't know why, and when I asked why it was auto-removed I got no response. If this community will use auto-removal I hope we could at least tell people why articles are eliminated?

Additionally it would be nice to have discretionary flair for months or hours played. A whole lot of new players came on over the holidays and it was occasionally hard to find out how to pitch answers when I couldn't tell if someone was playing the sport for months or even a couple of days.

It's also kind of annoying that dreams are relegated to the sticky thread, so you will find constant boring/similar picture posts (villager photos or golden tools are cool accomplishments, but viewing them happen to someone else for the 100th time could be a parting ) and much more involved/creative projects like island-wide quests are hidden in a thread that has little interaction.

Not if they are an obvious meme/juxtaposition such as Bernie sitting in your plaza, but should you photoshop on wings into your outfit, place an impossible item on a desk, or change the color of a non-customizable item it should be flagged so people will not be disappointed if they can't replicate it in-game.

I really don't think spoiler tags need to be divisive. Right now it becomes a problem because there are no definite rules about what is expected and acceptable from the sub.

If the rules were more clear (ie: spoiler tags necessary for events which haven't occurred in real time yet or spoiler tags necessary for posts that contain items which have been attained via hacking to bypass timelocking) possibly users would not accept it as a personal attack in their play style when people asked they use a spoiler tag.

If you want to buy it, you can access https://www.acbells.com/

06-04-21 - 05:00 Start date
30-04-21 - 08:00 End date
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