ISO Certifications in Jamaica and How Pacific Certifications can help

Jamaica, a thriving hub in the Caribbean, is witnessing a growing demand for ISO certifications across various industries. These standards enhance organizational efficiency and boost global competitiveness.

Jamaica, a thriving hub in the Caribbean, is witnessing a growing demand for ISO certifications across various industries. These standards enhance organizational efficiency and boost global competitiveness.

At Pacific Certifications, we are committed to providing robust audit and certification services to help Jamaican businesses achieve and maintain these international standards.

Applicable ISO Standards in Jamaica

Click here to find out more applicable standards to your industry

How we can help

We, Pacific Certifications specialize in auditing and certifying organizations to various ISO standards. Our services do not include consultancy such as training, internal audits, or documentation preparation, instead, we focus on providing impartial and thorough audit and certification services. Here’s how we can assist your business:

Initial Assessment

  • Evaluate your organization’s readiness for ISO certification.
  • Identify areas of improvement to meet the standards.

Certification Audit

  • Conduct a comprehensive audit to ensure compliance with the chosen ISO standard.
  • Provide detailed reports highlighting any non-conformities and opportunities for improvement.

Surveillance Audits

  • Perform regular surveillance audits to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Help maintain your certification status and continuous improvement.


  • Offer re-certification services at the end of the certification cycle.
  • Ensure your organization continues to meet the evolving requirements of the ISO standards.

Market Research & Trends

  • The Jamaican government is increasingly supporting ISO certifications to boost international trade and improve local industry standards.
  • Businesses are recognizing the importance of ISO standards in enhancing their competitiveness on a global scale.
  • There is a heightened emphasis on sustainability, leading to increased adoption of standards like ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.
  • With the rise in cyber threats, ISO 27001 certification is becoming crucial for protecting information assets.


For more information, contact us at [email protected], we can help you to get your business certified in Jamaica!

Read More: ISO Certifications in Jamaica and How Pacific Certifications can help

Pacific Certification

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